Note: Availability fluctuates throughout the year, please understand the described items below are educational. To confirm availability please inquire with us directly.
Red leaf lettuce is a loose-headed type of green leaf lettuce with attractive red coloured frilled edges to each leaf. Like the green leaf, it, too, grows from a stalk and spreads out to form its loose leafed bunch of greens.
Select heads with crisp, leaves and no signs of blemishes, browning, or wilting.
To store lettuce, seal or wrap securely in plastic or towel and place in an airtight container to be kept in the coolest part of the refrigerator, which is generally located in the rear and lowest shelf section of the refrigerator, for up to five days.
This lettuce can be kept fresh up to a week. At that point, it begins to lose its flavour and nutritional value. Wash lettuce thoroughly just before using. A salad spinner is a handy gadget to get the leaves dry, enabling the dressing to cling better. If moisture is still noticeable, blot with a paper or tea towel to remove any excess. Your preference will dictate whether you tear the leaves into bite size pieces or shred.
The frilly crimson red leaves are an excellent addition to add colour and dimension to a salad. Combine with other salad greens, or stuff individual leaves with hummus and them roll up for a light lunch.
Red leaf lettuce, 1/2 cup (28g) (raw, shredded)
Calories: 5
Protein: 0.36g
Carbohydrate: 0.98g
Total Fat: 0.08g
Fibre: 0.53g
*Good source of: Vitamin A (532 IU)
*Foods that are an “excellent source” of a particular nutrient provide 20% or more of the Recommended Daily Value. Foods that are a “good source” of a particular nutrient provide between 10 and 20% of the Recommended Daily Value.