Introducing Our New Farm Fresh Fundraiser. Earn 30% of All Proceeds...
Is your school program, sports team or community organization planning a fundraising campaign? We've been there. We are there!
That's why we've developed our Farm Fresh Fundraiser to be as simple (and as profitable!) as possible. Your organization can hit that fundraising goal and save time for what's important. Earn 30% of all proceeds...
Apple Fundraiser
Kids Benefit Nutritionally Through Our Apple Fundraisers
Season runs from October to April
A win-win situation: Earn money while your customers get good value for saying 'yes' to healthy choices for their families.
Let's show the students that healthy eating choices are valuable. The school can promote healthy choices by providing apples as a fundraiser program! You'll love the apples - fresh from the Okanagan orchards.
Your organization or school earns money when all your orders are in, Ralph's Farm Market will sell 35 lb boxes of Apples to your organization or school. For example, in Fall, 2010 a school's profit selling the Gala apple variety was:
$22.50 Selling price to students' family & friends
$6.00 Profit per box sold
$1,500 = Total P.A.C. profit for 250 boxes sold in Fall, 2010
It's Simple!
Letting us know (by email) that you'd like to participate or are interested is the first step:
Use this 'Selling Form' for students to keep track of their sales
Once you have collected & tallied the orders, please complete the following 'Order Form Agreement"
- Then FAX or EMAIL as attachment to RALPH'S as your total order - fax #604.534.2410. EMAIL (send email when faxing to confirm fax was sent).
- Boxes of apples will be delivered approximately 1 week from the date Ralph's receives your emailed order.
Delivery Day
- The organization or school contact - eg. P.A.C representative. - sets up a meeting location i.e. table or station on a concrete area near the organization or school's entrance doors
- RALPH'S refrigerated truck will deliver the boxes to your school
- RALPH'S driver, along with the school's contact person, will confirm that the delivery is correct
- Our driver unloads all the apple boxes near the sponsors' station
- The boxes will be sorted into varieties and placed into rows by our driver
- An Invoice will be provided upon delivery of the Apple boxes. Please be prepared to pay C.O.D.
Apple Varieties
Golden Delicious
Granny Smith
Red Delicious