We are launching a program this Fall to help keep you inspired with your weekly meal prepping AND staying connected within the Ralph’s customer community! We will announce more details this week, in the mean time – check out Kaylyn Barr Germyn ‘s family recipe for Crockpot Lasagna!
“Have you ever ran out of time at the end of the day & wished you had a home cooked meal all ready to go?
Us too! My kiddos and hubby LOVE lasagna! It’s a tasty meal that wins every time. The traditional method takes so long from start to finish. So, I came up with this solution.”
Layer 1:
•1 egg or flax egg
•300-400grams of cottage cheese
•Pepper – just a sprinkle
•Handful of fresh spinach chopped
•5-7 leafs of fresh basil chopped
•Mix together & set aside
Layer 2:
•Red sauce (pre cook if needed)
•1 large jar of your favourite pre made tomato base sauce •1 medium onion chopped
•4-6 mushrooms chopped
•1 pepper diced
•1-2 cloves garlic chopped
•1 tsp Italian herbs
•1 tsp ground cinnamon
Sauté: onions, peppers, mushrooms, & garlic. Add in your meat or alternative.
If you preferred meat, cook before adding to red sauce. Sprinkle in herbs. Cook for 2-4 mins. Start with a thin layer of red sauce. Add noodles, then cottage cheese, then red sauce. Sprinkle your favourite cheese blend. You will have to break noodles to cover the size of the crockpot. That’s ?Continue layers until you’ve reached the top or you’ve run out ingredients. Garnish with basil. Turn on.
Temperature Settings:
High temperature setting 3 hours
Low temperature setting 5-6 hours